Our Services
In Home Euthanasia Services: Peaceful Tails offers in-home euthanasia allowing pet owners to say goodbye peacefully in the place their pet finds most comfortable and safe while surrounded by loved ones. This avoids the stress and anxiety of travel to a veterinary hospital. Euthanasia can be a difficult experience for pet owners and our service allows families to grieve in the privacy of their own home.
Quality of Life Assessments: We know euthanasia can be a difficult decision for many families. We offer end-of-life consultations to provide a professional evaluation to help families make this decision. A quality-of-life assessment may include a visit to the home for a physical examination of your pet or a virtual visit via phone call or video call. During this visit, our veterinarian will also speak with your family to objectively assess your pet’s current quality of life and help you make a decision on the next steps to take. Peaceful Tails has a limited capacity for diagnostic testing and as such as we are not meant to replace your relationship with your regular veterinarian. Because of this, our quality-of-life assessments are beneficial for owners who already have a diagnosis from their regular veterinarian.
Hospice Care/ Palliative Care: Hospice care provides pets at the end of their lives with nursing support and pain management. This care focuses on comfort, not a cure. We work to extend a pet’s quality of life and provide the family with the support necessary to do so. We offer hospice/palliative care for patients in Sangamon County on a limited basis.
Location: Peaceful Tails is based in Chatham Illinois. We service Sangamon County, including Springfield, Chatham, Auburn, Buffalo, Cantrall, Curran, Divernon, Loami, Mechanicsburg, New Berlin, Pawnee, Pleasant Plains, Sherman, Rochester, Riverton, Virden, Williamsville. We are available outside of this area on a limited basis for an additional travel fee. Areas we travel to also include but are not limited to: Athens, Carlinville, Decatur, Elkhart, Forsyth, Girard, Hettick, Jacksonville, Lincoln, Modesto, Mt. Pulaski, Palmyra, Petersburg, Staunton, Taylorville, Waverly.
In the news
Dr. Keay was featured on the NPR Illinois 91.9 Community Voices program in January 2023. You can listen to her interview which discusses the work of Peaceful Tails by clicking below:
Aftercare Choices
Peaceful Tails works with local family-owned crematorium Butler Funeral Home to provide several aftercare options for your beloved pet. With private cremation, your pet will be cremated individually with their cremated remains returned to you either in an elegant wooden container or another urn of your choosing. Communal cremation is available for owners who do not wish to have their pet’s cremated remains returned to them. For owners who wish to have a traditional pet burial or a cremation burial, we work with Roselawn Pet Cemetery to facilitate the burial of choice for your pet. We are happy to work with you to find the aftercare option that works best for your family.
The prices listed below are for services performed in Sangamon County, Illinois including Springfield, Chatham, Pleasant Plains, Auburn, New Berlin, Rochester, Sherman, Riverton. If you live in a neighboring county, additional travel fees may apply.
At-home Euthanasia
During regular business hours in Chatham, Springfield, and Auburn: $275; within the rest of Sangamon County: $300
This includes a clay paw print to help memorialize your beloved pet
Aggressive pets may require an additional fee depending on size and disposition
Evening, Weekends: additional $50 after hours fee, availability for these appointments is limited. Holidays: additional $100 fee.
Outside Sangamon County: contact us for pricing based on location.
Additional fees for aftercare/cremation (see below for prices). You are also welcome to arrange cremation services on your own if you prefer.
You may arrange your own pet burial at home. It is your responsibility to check local laws to determine if this is allowed where you reside.
Private Cremation
Dr. Keay will take your pet into her care after your appointment and handle all cremation arrangements. Your pet will be cremated individually with their individual cremated remains returned to you in a wooden urn.
Small Private Cremation (up to 49 pounds) $260
Medium Private Cremation (50-74 pounds) $280
Large Private Cremation (75-99 pounds) $295
Extra Large Private Cremation (100 pounds & up) $350
Other urn options available, prices vary from $59 to $312
Communal Cremation
Dr. Keay will take your pet into her care after your appointment and handle all cremation arrangements. Your pet will be cremated with several other pets and their cremated remains will have a dignified disposition at a local, privately-owned location.
Small & Medium Group Cremation (Up to 75 pounds) $150
Large Group Cremation (76-99 pounds) $175
Extra Large Group Cremation (100 pounds & up) $250
Burial Services
Roselawn Pet Cemetery in Springfield offers pet burial services for both traditional and cremation burial in their beautiful park-like setting. For more information you can contact Roselawn Memorial Park at 217-525-1661 or see roselawninfo.com
Quality of Life Assessment
$175 for 30-60 minutes. Dr. Keay offers a telehealth voice or video consultation or an in-home visit for Quality of Life Assessments.
Palliative Care/Hospice Exam
$250 for a palliative care/hospice visit which includes an assessment, discussion of possible medications and aids to improve quality of life, and follow up discussions.
Frequently Asked Questions
for pet owners
Pet Loss Counseling and Support Services
ASPCA National Pet Loss Hotline: 877-474-3310​
The Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement (has an online support chatroom) https://www.aplb.org/
Everlife Memorials: Listing of regional pet loss support groups: https://www.everlifememorials.com/Pet-Loss-Support-Groups-s/443.htm
Quality of Life Assessment
How do I know when it is time: Worksheet created by The Ohio State University to aid owners in assessing quality of life
Resources for children
Helping children cope with illness or death of a pet: https://vmc.vet.osu.edu/sites/default/files/documents/helping_children_cope_printable_2024.pdf
Recommended books for children
Dog Heaven by Cynthia Rylant
Cat Heaven by Cynthia Rylant
When a Pet Dies by Fred Rogers
The Tenth Good Thing About Barney by Judith Vorst
Pet Loss and Children: A Guide For Parents by Mary Rochford Rose
Sammy In The Sky by Barbara Walsh
Being Brave for Bailey by Corey Gut
Dear Brave Friend by Leigh Ann Gerk
For Every Dog and Angel by Christine Davis
Recommended books for adults
Coping With Sorrow on the Loss of Your Pet by Moira Anderson
Going Home: Finding Peace When Pets Die by Jon Katz
A Final Act of Caring: Ending the Life of an Animal Friend by Mary and Herb Montgomery
Grieving the Death of a Pet by Betty Carmack
The Loss of a Pet: A Guide to Coping With the Grieving Process When A Pet Dies by Wallace Sife, PhD
I Never Wanted to Say Goodbye: A Collection of Poems by Arlene Klein
Digital Paw & Nose Prints
A digital paw or nose print can be made as a JPEG, PDF, PNG or TIFF. These digital images can then be easily used to create commemorative items such as prints, jewelry, clothing, mugs, tattoos and more. We can create a digital print with a photo of the paw or nose, as well as from an ink or clay print. If you would like a digital paw or nose print, let us know prior to your appointment so we can be sure to get a photo to create the print. If you are not yet a client but would like a digital print, please email us at peacefultailsvet@gmail.com. Digital prints are available for $10 each.
Contact Us
You may contact us via text or phone at 217-993-TAIL (8245), at peacefultailsvet@gmail.com, or by submitting the form below.
We will return your email or phone call within 24 hours.
PLEASE NOTE: Peaceful Tails End-of-Life Veterinary Care is NOT intended for emergency situations requiring euthanasia. If your pet requires immediate care please contact your family veterinarian or Springfield’s emergency veterinary clinic:
Animal Emergency Clinic of Springfield: 217-698-0870/ 821 S Durkin Dr., Springfield